How to Get Rid of a Rash at Home: A Guide to Natural Remedies

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While it may seem like everyone you know has a pimple or minor skin irritation, most of them are probably hiding it from the rest of us. The truth is, we all get skin issues from time to our time. Whether you’re breaking out from stress or trying an all-natural skincare routine for the first time, your skin is probably going through something at the moment. That said, if you’ve got a skin issue and don’t know where to turn, that doesn’t mean you have to keep it a secret. In this article, we’ll go over some natural remedies to help relieve your rashes at home so they don’t come back again and again.

What is a Rash?

Simply put, a rash is a reaction your skin is having to something you’re exposing it to — think acne, certain foods, or certain medications — that it doesn’t like. And while rashes can be super annoying and painful, they’re not dangerous and most can be cleared up with a few natural remedies. Rashes are often times mistaken as a sign of a more serious skin issue, like a condition like eczema. When you see a rash, you can use our guide above to help you figure out what it is so you can get rid of it faster. The longer a rash lasts, the more likely it is to come back again and again. So, if you’ve been dealing with a rash for a while, don’t stress. We’ll go over some of the best home remedies for rashes in this article so you can get back to a clear state soon.

Best Home Remedies for Rash

Turmeric and Apple Cider Vinegar Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory that has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. It’s a great ingredient to add to a natural remedy like this one because it’s great at helping your body heal itself. Apple cider vinegar is also great at helping your skin heal thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. With these two ingredients, you can use this remedy to treat rashes of all kinds. Simply mix one tablespoon of each into a cup of warm water and use it as a toner. Let it sit on your skin for 10 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. You can use this twice a day for a faster result. Baking Soda and Milk Baking soda is a great ingredient for treating minor skin irritations because it’s an acid. It gently exfoliates the surface of your skin to remove dead skin cells, helping it to heal faster. Milk is a great moisturizer that also has an anti-inflammatory property, which makes it an excellent ingredient for treating rashes like acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Simply mix one tablespoon of baking soda with two teaspoons of milk in a cup of warm water. Use it as a sanitizing solution after taking a shower or washing your face. Let it sit on your skin for a few minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. You can use this twice a day for a faster result.

Turmeric and Apple Cider Vinegar

Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory that has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. It’s a great ingredient to add to a natural remedy like this one because it’s great at helping your body heal itself. Apple cider vinegar is also great at helping your skin heal thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. With these two ingredients, you can use this remedy to treat rashes of all kinds. Simply mix one tablespoon of each into a cup of warm water and use it as a toner. Let it sit on your skin for 10 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. You can use this twice a day for a faster result.

Baking Soda and Milk

Baking soda is a great ingredient for treating minor skin irritations because it’s an acid. It gently exfoliates the surface of your skin to remove dead skin cells, helping it to heal faster. Milk is a great moisturizer that also has an anti-inflammatory property, which makes it an excellent ingredient for treating rashes like acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Simply mix one tablespoon of baking soda with two teaspoons of milk in a cup of warm water. Use it as a sanitizing solution after taking a shower or washing your face. Let it sit on your skin for a few minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. You can use this twice a day for a faster result.

What About Epsom Salt?

Epsom salt is a great natural remedy for rashes because it has anti-inflammatory properties that can help calm your skin, reduce redness and irritation, and heal rashes faster. While it’s often used for a variety of conditions, you can use this home remedy for a rash if you’ve got one of the following: Rosacea, acne, eczema, psoriasis, ingrown hairs, bedwetting, hives, insect bites, psoriasis, seborrhea, or chicken pox. Simply mix four tablespoons of Epsom salt with one cup of warm water. Use this solution as a bath or shower gel. Make sure to soak in the Epsom salt solution for at least 15 minutes, or up to half an hour if you want to reap the maximum benefit.


If you’re dealing with a rash, don’t worry! Fortunately, a rash isn’t dangerous and most can be cleared up with a few natural remedies. These home remedies for rashes are gentle enough for everyday use, so you can get back to your normal routine in no time. With some patience, you can treat your rash naturally and get rid of it once and for all. It’s important to know what’s causing your rash so you can prevent it from coming back. And don’t forget to drink lots of water to help your skin stay hydrated and healthy. And, as always, if your rash persists or becomes worse, you should call your doctor.

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