10 Makeup Tips You Have To Know: A Guide For Newbies

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You’ve undoubtedly seen makeup tutorials on YouTube and Instagram, but what if you don’t know how to incorporate these tips into your daily routine? You could end up looking awkward and unnatural, or worse, end up looking like a greasepaint clown. Fortunately, this doesn’t mean that you have to give up on your desire to look glam. With the right guidance, you can become an expert at makeup in no time. Read on for 10 crucial tips for beginners

Basics You Need To Know

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been at it for a while, it can be helpful to know exactly what you’re working with when it comes to makeup. Makeup is not just about how you look, but more importantly, how you feel. Makeup is meant to enhance facial features, not cover them up. Therefore, if you’re a person who is insecure about certain aspects of your face, makeup can only do so much to hide that. As such, it’s crucial to remember that makeup is not a magic wand. When applying makeup, you need to consider what your main features are and then work with that. For example, if you have a prominent forehead, then you would want to tone it down or give it a different look with makeup. Additionally, if you have an uneven jawline, then you would want to put some emphasis on it.

Change Up Your Tools

There are a lot of YouTube tutorials that tell you to use one set of brushes with one set of colours, but that’s not how it is in the real world. In reality, you want to mix and match your tools so that you can create different looks with the same product. That being said, makeup brushes are not the only tool you can use to create different looks. You can also use different tools for different parts of your face, like different sponges for the brows and cheeks. Therefore, when you’re deciding how to change up your tools, keep in mind that you want to be able to create different looks with the same products.

Watch Before You Learn

The best way to learn how to apply makeup is by watching others, but it’s important to watch people who know what they’re doing, not just anyone. If you want to become an expert makeup artist, you need to learn from the best. If you’ve never watched makeup tutorials before, you’re probably rushing into it. To avoid this, it’s important to watch makeup tutorials that are by makeup artists who have experience. You can find lots of makeup artists on Instagram.

Customize Before you mix and match colours

When it comes to makeup colours, you don’t want to just mix and match colours without thinking about what those colours look like together. For example, yellow can look really nice on some people, but on others it can look ridiculous. Therefore, before you start mixing and matching colours, you want to customize them. This can be done by using different shades of eyeshadow or different colours of blush.

Match your skin colour before you apply colour

Your skin is the first thing people see, so you want to make sure that it looks good. Therefore, before you apply your foundation, you want to match your skin colour. You can do this by lightly dabbing moisturizer on your face or by lightly dabbing foundation on your face. Your skin should be the last thing that you add to your face before you apply makeup. Therefore, you want to make sure that your skin is fully moisturized before you start applying makeup. Once your skin has been moisturized, you can add foundation and lipstick.

When it Comes to Foundation and Concealing creams

Concealer creams are meant to cover blemishes and spots on your skin, so you don’t want to just choose one colour and apply it to your whole face. Instead, you want to use a concealer colour that’s meant to be used under your eyes, on your nose, and on your chin. Foundation is meant to have a more matte finish and provide coverage while also looking natural. Therefore, when you’re deciding on the right foundation colour for your skin tone, you want to make sure that it’s not too dark or too light.


Eyeshadow is meant to be a wash of colour that’s meant to be used on your eyelids. Therefore, when you’re deciding on an eyeshadow colour for day wear, you want to make sure that it does not clash with your skin colour. If you’re planning on using your eyeshadow on the lower part of your face, then you want to make sure that it doesn’t clash with your foundation colour. If it does clash, then you want to use a light eyeshadow that will allow you to blend in with your skin colour.


Harmony doesn’t just extend to how you sound, it also applies to how you look. The right makeup can transform your face into something more appealing and expressive. With the right tips, you can look great and feel confident. Now that you know what to do, it’s time to get creative! You can create a whole new image for yourself and give your friends a good laugh, as well.