How to Grow Healthy Hair: What You Need To Know

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When it comes to your hair, you might as well be wearing a flashing neon sign that reads: “Hey everyone, look at me! I’ve got major problems with my hair.” Whereas some people are blessed with luscious locks that seem to grow on their own and never need any help from products or treatments, others struggle to get anything resembling healthy hair—let alone anything resembling a proper head of hair.

But worry not friends! We’ll explain everything you need to know about growing healthy hair so you can do the same.

What makes up healthy hair?

Healthy hair is defined by the fact that it grows in thickness and length without the wearer needing to take any extra steps to make it happen. It is also free from split ends, breakage, and hair loss. In order for your hair to reach its full potential, it needs to have healthy hair proteins. Proteins are responsible for building and maintaining each hair strand.

The protein in your hair is what makes it strong, flexible, and able to grow. The absence of adequate protein can result in hair that is brittle and prone to breakage. And, since protein is responsible for colouring your hair, an underdeveloped protein can also leave your hair with a colour that is faint and faded.

Why is it so hard to grow healthy hair?

The thing is, some people are born blessed with hair that is super healthy and grows on its own. But for most people, it is quite the opposite. As we grow older, our hair is subjected to more stress and damage than it is able to withstand.

And this causes the hair shaft to become progressively thinner, causing hair loss. Your hair is made up of 3 layers: the cuticle, the cortex, and the medulla. The cuticle is the outermost layer of your hair and is the first thing to shed when your hair is damaged.

The cortex is the middle layer of your hair and is where most of the hair’s keratin is found, which is what makes your hair strong and resistant to breakage. The medulla is the innermost layer of your hair and is the thinnest. Hair loss tends to occur in this layer, causing your hair to become thinner over time.

How do you grow healthy hair?

– Eat a healthy, balanced diet – Drink lots of water – Reduce stress levels – Avoid damaging products – Take supplements according to your hair type – Get regular trims from a qualified stylist – Manage your hair’s texture and colour – Examine your lifestyle habits

Tips for growing healthy hair

  • – Never shampoo your hair more than once a week.
  • – Avoid using heat on your hair for extended sessions.
  • – Avoid over-conditioning your hair. – Avoid using harsh shampoos that strip the hair of its natural oils. – Avoid using harsh hair dyes that alter your hair’s natural colour.
  • – Avoid hairstyles and styling products that cause excessive damage.
  • – Restrict your hair-styling activities to once a week.
  • – Limit the amount of times you straighten your hair.
  • – Avoid over-extending your hair with extensions.
  • – Avoid twisting, braiding, and tying your hair too tightly.
  • – Avoid banging your head or stepping on your head while sleeping.
  • – Limit the amount of times you pull your hair back or tie your hair up.


Knowing how to grow healthy hair is a real game-changer when it comes to taking care of your locks and keeping them looking great. The first step to growing healthy hair is making sure you’re eating a balanced diet. This will ensure you’re getting enough vitamins, minerals, and protein, which are all essential for maintaining your hair’s health.

Water is another key component in healthy hair, so be sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water every day. You should also avoid eating too much processed food, which will dehydrate you and cause your hair to become weak and brittle.

Finally, reduce your stress levels by avoiding things in your life that make you feel anxious or stressed out. This will not only help you feel better but will also help keep you from damaging your hair by damaging your hair while pulling your hair back too tightly or twisting it too tightly while it’s wet.

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